Liquidware Downloads

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Download Form

First Name*
Last Name*
Company Name*
(please use company domain)
ZIP/Postal Code*
Number of Users for Project*
Total Number of Users*
Time Frame for Buying
Name of preferred reseller
How did you hear about Liquidware?*
Are you thinking about VDI?*  No
 Yes, planning VDI POC
 Yes, conducting VDI POC
 Yes, have VDI in production
Product Interest*
  What are you using today to manage user profiles?

 Roaming profiles
 Competitor product
  In which of the following environments will ProfileUnity manage user profiles?

 Physical desktops
 Virtual desktops
 Both physical & virtual desktops
  Which problems are you using ProfileUnity to solve?
(select all that apply)

 Speed up login times
 Move user-authored data to network
 Migrate user profiles to new environment
 Manage shortcuts, drives, printers, etc.
 Heterogeneous environment support
 Deploy & manage corporate applications
 Leverage non-persistent desktop
  Which users are you looking to assess?

 Portion of total user group
 All users at this location
 All users company-wide
  What type of desktop transformation(s) are you assessing for?
(select all that apply)

 Planning VMware View project
 Planning Citrix XenDesktop project
 Planning Other VDI solution project
 Planning Win 7 migration
 Planning Application Virtualization project
 Planning Other Non-VDI project
  Which problems are you using Stratusphere FIT to solve?
(select all that apply)

 Find more VDI users
 Find apps to virtualize
 Capacity planning
 Design thin provisioned desktop pools
 Remediation planning
 Inventory applications & licensing
 Generate ROI/business case
 Disaster recovery planning
 Comparing before/after performance

  On which types of desktops will Stratusphere UX be used?

 Physical desktops
 Virtual desktops
 Both physical & virtual desktops
  Which internal team will be using Stratusphere UX?

 Desktop Services/Support team
 Server team
 Both Desktop and Server teams
  Which problems are you using Stratusphere UX to solve?
(select all that apply)

 Compliance & Security tracking
 Validate post migration UX
 Diagnose poor performance
 Identifying over-provisioned resources
 Measure performance and UX
 Inventory applications & licensing

  What type of desktop transformation(s) are you planning?
(select all that apply)

 Planning VMware View project
 Planning Citrix XenDesktop project
 Planning Other VDI solution project
 Planning Win 7 migration
 Planning Application Virtualization project
 Planning Other Non-VDI project
  What are you using today to manage user profiles?

 Roaming profiles
 Competitor product
  Which problems are you using Liquidware products to solve?
(select all that apply)

 Find more VDI users
 Find apps to virtualize
 Capacity planning
 Design thin provisioned desktop pools
 Remediation planning
 Inventory applications & licensing
 Generate ROI/business case
 Disaster recovery planning
 Comparing before/after performance
 Speed up login times
 Move user-authored data to network
 Migrate user profiles to new environment
 Manage shortcuts, drives, printers, etc.
 Heterogeneous environment support
 Deploy & manage corporate applications
 Leverage non-persistent desktop
 Compliance & Security tracking
 Validate post migration UX
 Diagnose poor performance
 Identifying over-provisioned resources
 Measure performance and UX
 Inventory applications & licensing

Additional Comments:

Liquidware requires your consent by ticking the "I consent" button below before we can accept your personal data or contact you. By consenting, you acknowledge you have legitimate interest in receiving marketing materials relating to our company and the products and services we offer and you consent to our use of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Statement .

You can withdraw consent at any time and/or ask for your personal data to be edited or deleted by emailing . If you do not wish to consent, do not tick the "I consent" button below and do not provide us with your personal information.

   I consent

Currently Available Product Versions:

Register or sign-in to your online account >

An initial 15-day evaluation license key is included with your download for the following products:

Stratusphere Appliances*
AWS BYOL (AMI) 6.7.0-2
Microsoft Azure BYOL 6.7.0-2
Microsoft Hyper-V(VHDX) 6.7.0-2
Nutanix (QCOW2) 6.7.0-2
VMware (OVF, VMDK) 6.7.0-2
Generic OVF 6.7.0-2
ProfileUnity with FlexApp
Windows 6.8.6 R1
AWS BYOL 6.8.6 R1
Azure BYOL 6.8.6 R1


* The Stratusphere solutions are available in a downloadable virtual appliance. This virtual appliance includes all Stratusphere products (Stratusphere FIT and Stratusphere UX).