Major Insurance Company

Making Health Better
East Coast, United States
Products Used:
ProfileUnity FlexApp
Physical and Virtual Desktops
Operating System:
Windows 10, 11

Major Insurance Firm Leverages ProfileUnity/FlexApp

Major insurance firm uses ProfileUnity/FlexApp to gain control over and improve reporing on user and app behavior.

Selection Criteria

The client chose ProfileUnity and FlexApp because Liquidware experts were willing to re-engineer a custom reporting structure for the client.


An EOL notice forced the insurer to re-engineer a customized reporting function. They launched a POC of ProfileUnity and FlexApp to see if the solutions could replace the obsolete process. While the solutions were mainly successful, the client still wanted some customizations.

User Control

The client was impressed by ProfileUnity’s triggers, which automatically applies policy and profile updates based on specific actions, e.g., change of location, device, or application use. Triggers expanded the client’s insights into and control over user behavior.

Application Management

FlexApp streams applications on demand, allowing the IT team to automate many manual tasks and shorten the time to roll out new or updated application as well as ensure all versions are current.

Image Management

The insurer managed 30 to 40 master images for distinct roles. The IT team estimates now that they can reduce the number to only two.


The firm not only re-engineer its reporting structure, but also reduced time and effort in managing its environment. All development work is now standard product features. The firm now plans to roll out this solution to cover all 100,000 users.