Zero Trust for virtually any Windows App with FlexApp One and OAuth

Record Date: 
Monday, December 4, 2023 - 07:45
Average: 3 (8 votes)
Andreas van Wingerten

Now, virtually any Windows application can easily incorporate OAuth capabilities through FlexApp’s FlexApp One container format to achieve a Zero Trust application access policy. Liquidware Solution Architect, Andreas Van Wingerden, shares a quick overview of the innovative OAuth functionality integrated in FlexApp One.

The new feature in FlexApp promotes a zero-trust framework, even in offline scenarios. By facilitating OAuth, FlexApp ensures that only validated users can access applications, aligning with an organization’s Zero Trust strategy. Even if applications inherently lack OAuth support, FlexApp ensures compliance by preventing deactivated or unauthorized accounts from accessing the applications. FlexApp’s OAuth capabilities are integrated with an organization’s Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) instance.

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