In this installment of the Advisor Series, Johnny Ma, Liquidware Senior Solutions Architect, provides a quick overview of FlexApp’s Packaging Automation feature. He demonstrates how easy it is for organizations to recover time spent packaging...
In this installment of the Advisor Series, Johnny Ma, Liquidware Senior Solutions Architect, provides a quick overview of FlexApp’s Packaging Automation feature. He demonstrates how easy it is for organizations to recover time spent packaging...
In this installment of the Advisor Series, Andreas Van Wingerden gives a demo of Liquidware FlexApp, we will explore how to create a FlexApp package of an application which does not have a standard installer such as MSI. We will also cover the process...
FlexApp One from Liquidware is an included feature in FlexApp that simplifies application deployment and management using containerization technology. FlexApp One takes any Windows app and make it ultra-portable by being self-contained with no messy...
Join Liquidware experts Jason Smith and Joseph Ahn as they describe how to utilize Liquidware FlexApp One with Microsoft Intune for routine application maintenance. Virtually any application can be layered to Microsoft endpoints using FlexApp One with...
Introducing FlexApp One, an innovative new feature in Liquidware FlexApp. FlexApp One untethers FlexApp applications by containerizing them in a self-sufficient executable. Benefits include rapid application deployment through any means, including...
Check out this demo that shows you a high-level look at Liquidware FlexApp in under 7 minutes.
FlexApp is different than other approaches to layering because it focuses on applications and not OS layers. FlexApp helps you minimize base image management changes by getting applications out of your base images and simply attaching them at boot...
This video showcases the combined user experience journey of the new Amazon AppStream 2.0 Native Client when combined with the power of FlexApp Layering