Building a Methodology to Support Application Lifecycle

Record Date: 
Thursday, February 22, 2018 - 10:00
Average: 3.7 (3 votes)
Kevin Cooke
Enterprises today are faced with many challenges, and among those at the top of the list is the struggle surrounding the design, deployment, management and operations that support desktop applications. The demand for applications is increasing at an exponential rate, and organizations are being forced to consider platforms beyond physical, virtual and cloud-based environments. Users have come to expect applications to "just work" on whatever device they have on hand. Combined with the notion that for many organizations, workspaces can be a mix of various delivery approaches, it is vital to better understand application use, as well as information such as versioning, resource consumption and application user experience. In this session, our experts will define three major lifecycle stages—analysis, user experience baselining and operationalization―each of which is composed of several crucial steps. And we will also provide practical use examples that will help you create and execute an application-lifecycle methodology using Stratusphere UX from Liquidware.
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